How Did “The Digital” Become “The Future of Learning”
Digital tools aren't new to the World of Education. For example, Moodle is a platform facilitating e-learning for schools and universities dating back to 2002 and is still very much in use today. The future of learning is now in a digital world. The recent years have seen many advancements, with new apps and technologies being created every day that are helping shape our generation more than any other before it! As 'Generation Z' uses smartphones more than any other generation before them, it was inevitable that Digital would play a role in learning in the past decade. Apps Can Assist With Deadlines And Schedule Pupils and students can now access apps like Socratic or Slader to help them with their homework. Assignments and deadlines can also be managed using other platforms, like “My Study Life” and “myHomework Student Planner”. Tutors, too, benefit from online education, which makes teaching more manageable while extending the longevity of their content. This informatio...